Market Entry
Market Entry in China
Instant success and enormous growth is a popular dream for those wish to be doing business in China. Hardly anyone is satisfied with their current scale of operation. Yet it is no surprise that so many businesses who go head-first to a new market and are starting a business in China - fail. In fact, this tendency is not exclusive to just this location. It's a global phenomenon, and will likely continue to be so without the general understanding of the usefulness of trustworthy partners.
There is a high mountain to climb before you and we can have a solid market entry plan. Even the most persuasive business plan might not guarantee a dream result since it needs to be carried out. Before you commit to your strategy with high expectations, think, maybe there is a company with enough connections and experience to help us make our plans and goals real?
Yes, Point One International sees a lot of new businesses ending up in the failure bin due to lack of research. They complaint about lack of customers to sustain income and thrive, but it is not just about the number of customers, it is more important to utilize a small number of clients.
Our experience and research suggests that the majority of new business depends on personal finances of their founders. Personal savings might seem like a better idea than a loan, but if you are serious about doing business in China, loans are almost always a must-do, since the scales of operations here are huge and if you want to compete – you have to invest.
Wealth overnight happens rarely, and even then most don't know where to go from there. A successful market entry requires immediate action combined with precision and planning for the future. No preparations for scaling up could lead you to ruins and failure.
Passion is one thing, but there is work to be done. If you notice that somebody can't keep up with the tasks, it could be detrimental to your company. And while it might be difficult to fire your partner, you can't risk the fate of everyone who dedicated their lives to a common dream.
As you can see, the road to starting a business in China is full of difficulties. Nevertheless, there are plenty of people who have made it. And if their stories don't inspire you to take action, nothing will. Let us turn these hardships to non-problematic areas. Trust Point One International to be your partner and let’s prosper together!